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The aim of the South Wales Wing Chun Kuen association is to preserve the true nature of Grandmaster Ip Man's Wing Chun. Thus teaching and promoting Wing Chun in accordance with Master Ip Chun's own teachings. This is done in an open, safe, relaxed and enjoyable environment without politics, secrecy or financial motivation. The key to our teaching is to keep it simple, keep it honest, share openly and train with, not train on, our partners. We only teach Wing Chun Kung Fu; no other styles, no blends and no omissions or additions.

Beginning Training at Wales Wing Chun Kuen
All newcomers are welcomed into a non-members group for a compulsory 16 lesson introductory course. During the introduction, students are taught the basics of Wing Chun, whilst encouraged to watch the main class train. There is no uniform or formal training clothing required at this stage. Training or jogging trousers, a plain t-shirt or sweatshirt and training shoes are all that is necessary.

The 16 lesson introductory period allows potential students learn the basic Wing Chun Kung Fu skills. Whilst observing typical classes and giving ample opportunity to ask questions about all and any aspects of the Wing Chun system.

At the end of the introductory course, non-members can decide whether they wish to apply to join the Association and continue their studies. If they should they wish to apply to join they must complete an acceptance assessment covering the basics they have been taught.

During that same 16 lesson introductory period, however, each potential student is the subject of a psychological and physical assessment by the Sifu (teacher) and his instructors. They listen to the non-members questions, review their attendances and punctuality, note their respect (or lack of it) and assess their attitude and suitability to training within the Midlands Wing Chun Kuen.

At the end of the introductory course, the Sifu will decide whether to invite and accept the applicant. Being accepted will mean they are a member, student and ambassador to the school and Association.

“We teach by selection and invitation only, we offer authentic Hong Kong Wing Chun taught in the traditional manner. We set and expect the highest standards, teaching only respectful, disciplined and dedicated martial artists, who train hard with the correct mental attitude”